Friday, November 14, 2008

Driven by Purpose: Passion or Obsession

Write two paragraphs.

Using examples the works we have studied so far this year -- Beowulf, Grendel, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein -- explain how having a sense of purpose can drive someone to help others.

Then, using examples from the same works explain how having a sense of purpose can also lead one to harm others -- both purposefully and accidentally.


AmberS said...

There are many reasons and purposes for why people help others. Whether it’s to be nice or because they owe it to someone. It’s always an act of kindness and gratitude. In Frankenstein, Frankenstein watched as the husband and wife worked their hearts out to dig the crops out of the ground. They couldn’t do it because the ground was to frozen. This drove Frankenstein to go to the field and to pick out all the crops and to set them all in baskets in front of the house to be seen by the husband and wife. In Beowulf, Beowulf always wanted to be the town hero. He only cared about the town and rarely thought about himself. When he heard that the town was in danger that drove him to go after Grendel and to rip his arm off causing him to bleed to death. When people help others there is definitely a purpose behind it.

Just as there are purposes with help there are also purposes when people hurt people. There are reasons like they’re mad because of their childhood or just they just plain hate people. It’s always an act of anger and hatred. In Frankenstein, Frankenstein ended up killing little William because he had a locket with a picture of Victor in it. He had planned to take revenge on Victor and this seemed like this could be a way. In Beowulf, Beowulf ended up killing Grendel because he was sick of him causing trouble in his town and he just plain hated him. In Grendel, Grendel was a very mad and rude beast. He didn’t like anyone not even his mom. He loved to cause trouble and whenever he had a chance to kill someone he did. When people hurt others there is definitely a purpose behind it.

courtney r said...

People have many reasons and purposes to do acts of kindness. People will do acts of kindness weather it's from the kindness of their heart, they care about the person, or want people to be nice in return and reconize them. There's always something behind anything anyone does. In Beowulf he does acts of kindness not for only the towns people but mainly to be remembered. However in Frankenstein, he tried to do acts of kindness for a family not only in return for use them for shelter without their knowledge but also in an attempt to make friends. For different people there are different reasons and purposes as to why they do the things they do. Most people I believe do acts of kindness because they most likely feel good afterwards. In my opinon people do kind things for the benefits in the end such as feeling good about ones self. However you do have some people that do acts of kindness just for the sake of doing good.

There's alot behind what drives people to do evils things. I believe obsession is one of the downfalls to people. Someone can become so obsessed with someone else that it gets dangerous for the other person. In Grendel, he becomes so obsessed with death and killing that he takes many people lives away. In Frankenstein you see how he becomes obsessed with getting even with Victor that he travels far to find his and kills Victor's younger brother. Sadly there's alot of evil in this world, everyone contributing to it for different reasons. Some thing not as severe as others but still adds up. Obsession is a sickness, it will drive you to do anything for whatever it maybe be let it be drugs, another person, or even a weight problem.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing in someones life is to have a purpose. In the novel "Beowulf" the hero is driven to become known for something. To be remembered forever for doing something great. In "Beowulf" he wants to protect the peopel of the townfrom Grendel. In the novel "Frankenstein"the monster helped the old blind man from being hurt. He does this because it was the right thing to do, not because he had to. In conclusion, sometimes a hero could do something good in life just because it is right, and to give a hero a purpose in life.

Manuela O said...

In everything that people do there is a purpose. Whether the purpose is selfish or selfless, there is always a reason why we do something. For example in Frankenstein, Victor studied and preformed an experiment that brought him the power to create life. He did this to bring science to another level and also to see if his and his professor’s studies were correct. In Beowulf, Beowulf took on the challenge to kill Grendel and save the town from him. This could also be selfish because he wanted to die a legacy. In everything that is done, there is a purpose. The purpose can be beneficial to the public or to the person itself but in all situations there is a purpose.

The purpose to do something may sometimes end in harm to people. This sometimes can be intentional or by complete accident. In Frankenstein, he was an example of both. By accident he killed the little boy because he didn’t know the power of his own strength, this was not intentional. Also, in the movie he intentionally had Victor climb to the mountain and then he pushed him down a whole. Even though Victor was pushed down there to talk, the monster had revenge on his mind. In Beowulf, Beowulf killed Grendel on purpose to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone in the town anymore. The purpose of doing things may lead to the harm of others which sometimes is on purpose and others by accident.

angela r said...

People can drive from a sense of purpose by helping others. Beowulf had a sense of purpose to defeat Grendel. He would do this is so he could become a hero and also to prove how strong he is. Beowulf would come to help the Danish out by killing Grendel who had been torturing the Danish for twelve years. Victor Frankenstein was driven by death to come up with a cure for dieing. His mother was the one who had driven him to come with the idea since she had died from childbirth. With that in mind Victor would end up creating Frankenstein (the monster) with the help of his Professor Waldman but he had died before the project was done. Frankenstein (the monster) had helped a family out by pulling out the crops for the family so they could survive. Frankenstein (the monster) would do this because he wanted to help this family out. Some good things can happen if you are driven to help others.

Even though the person has a purpose it can lead to harms way for others. Beowulf was determined to kill Grendel yet he was willing to sacrifice his warriors in order to defeat Grendel. Grendel was willing to kill people for the fun of it because he had though that he had no purpose. Victor Frankenstein was another person that had a purpose but would put people in harms way. He would sacrifices his relationship with Elizabeth to creat a monster. Once the monster was created he would destroy things. Frankenstein (the monster) would kill the people that were most dear to Victor. For instance on Victors wedding day Frankenstein (the monster) would kill Victor and Elizabeth father. That night Frankenstein (the monster) would kill Elizabeth just because Victor did not creat Frankenstein (the monster) wife before Victor got married. Frankenstein (the monster) had a purpose to harm victors wife. Even though people think that you are not putting people in harms way but you truley are.

Donny IV said...

I believe that in often times people help other people so that they feel as if they have a purpose. I think this is way there are charities because people wanted to help people so they felt like they had purpose in life. But I also think that this can go down to a persons values because some who believes there is no purpose would probably not help people like as the dragon says in Grendel “find gold and sit on it” or in other would find something to do to pass the time, or think way waste time to help other people. But if you have some one with “good” values like Beowulf he wants to help people and he feels like he has purpose when he does this.

Unknown said...

In all of the books we have read this year one of the characters have had a sense of purpose to help others. In Frankenstein both Victor and the monster had the drive to help others. Victor wanted to help out the society by creating a better life form. The monster wanted to help others by doing work for them and learning their ways of life. In Beowulf he wanted to protect his town from harmful things. In Grendel he had no sense of purpose so therefore he could not help anyone.

All of these characters in the books have had a sense of purpose that led to harming others. When Victor's monster came to life and escaped his plan had backfired and the monster didnt know how to do anything and that got him into trouble. The monster's main purpose was to get revenge on
Victor and this led to harming him. In Beowulf he went to go kill Grendel so his men would be safe. In Grendel his main purpose was to harm others and this finally ended in his death. All of these characters had a sense of purpose but everyone of tham eventually dies and they ended up harming themselves the most

charlene said...

i beleive that everyone is driven by purpose no matter what. In beowulf, beowulfs purpose to kill grendel is his legacy, he wants to be rememeberd as a hero. and in grendel the main point of the dragon is that he doesnt have a purpose to do anything he just burns mead halls and sits on gold but he actually does have a purpose which is to do what he wants and pass time. So everyone is driven by purpose

Unknown said...

Behind the walls of reason, also comes purposes for why it is people choose to help others. Some do it in reurn of favors, others do it to be kind and hopefully recieve the same respect. But only the good natured do it to make others happy. In Beowulf, Beowulf looks out for the benefit of others and wants people to appreachiate what it is he can accompish,but at the same time i dont think he really cares what people think of him, he just does what it is he thinks is right, and for that he feels better about himself because he knows he will be remembered for something great. Frankenstein is similar in a way because at one point in the movie he gave a certin couple hope, by generously picking their frozen crops from the ground without reason, and he for once felt good inside to see others happy.I truly believe to give happiness, is to also recieve happiness, weather or not you get something in return. It never hurts to be kind,unless you know your being taken advantage of, and therefore people should appreichate whats given to them before its all taken away.

Their is kind people as their are mean people. Having a sense of purpose can also lead one to harm others. Weather it's pressure, expression or the vatality of complete power. People have different ways of expressing themselves and some do it in ways that can inflict harm, like lashing out on innoscent people, such like grendel, he hurt others cause thats how he dealt with his agony and he knows he has no purpose. He made others suffer because its what he thinks he was born to do, his whole life was based on glory and he's doing what he see's as normal. Frankenstein is more seeking revenge towards victor, for when victor abandoned him. Once he had found victor he requested that victor must make him a wife, when victor turned him down frankenstein forsook revenge by ripping out elizabeths heart, leaving victor the same pain he endures.In Beowulf, he's determined to kill whatever monster that lurks around at night, killing people and destroying halls. Beowulf expresses his anger by physically showing grendel that he's undefeatable by carelessly ripping off his arm. Though beowulf only did this to protect people throughout the village, he showed how good always impowers over bad, and purpose always has a meaning.

Anonymous said...

In the books and movies we have watched and read this year a character has had a sense of purpose to help others. In Frankenstein both Victor and his monster had the passion to help others. Victor wanted to help out the society by creating life, and helping sustain life. The monster wanted to help others and in turn, learned the way of "man". In "Beowulf" he, being a hero, wanted to protect his town from harm. In Grendel he was in the search of purpose until he was totally debauched by the dragons words.

These previously mentioned characters have had a sense of purpose that led to harming others. When Victor's monster came to life and escaped, his plan pretty much blew up in his face. Frankenstein, the monster, was very primal and uncivilized which caused him a great deal of trouble early on. The monster's main purpose was to get revenge on
Victor for creating him just for the sake of science and without thinking about the emotional aspect of the "monster" being a living creature. In "Beowulf", Beowulf, went to go kill Grendel so his men would be safe and to bask in the glory of being a "hero". In Grendel his main purpose tragically ended up being to harm others which lead to his untimely termination. These characters all had a strong sense of purpose, but cause harm to themselves, others, and eventually die.

JasonL said...

in the peices we have studied this year we have seen how a sense of purpose can help people. In Beowulf, his purpose is to save herot hall from grendel and to destroy grendel. Although there is evidence that Beowulf doesnt care about the peoples lives as much as he cares about the glory he will get for killing the beast. But, his purpose of gaining glory doesnt mean that good didnt come out of his purpose or goal. Also, in frankenstein victors purpose was(in honer of his mothers death) to end death and victor did not suceed in that but he did create life but this result did not help people or cause good.

Victor creating frankenstein is a prime example of how a purpose could unententionally hurt people. He was trying to help but in the end he just created a monster killed his wife(or sister), borther and farther. That definatally didnt help people. Another bad thing that came out of this creation was Victors obsession with creating the monster. Victror was so obsesed with bringing back the dead that he ignored all people and stayed alone in his house researching. At one point his soon to be wife or sister wanted him to go with her to leave the town because of quarintine a plague that has spread across the town. Victor says to leave without him because, as he says His work must come first. So his obsession with creating the monster caused him to ignore his loved ones and his actual creation killed victors wife/sister, his brother and his farther. So, having a sense of purpose can cause good and bad.

christian towler said...

For some, ones purpose is nessesary in order to become successful. Most people need a solid purpose to believe in that is infallible, but sadly all purposes are flawed. Because it is not in our nature to do good and help our fellow man, we need an incentive to act good. Believing in a purpose can bring success and fulfillment to ones life. For example in beowulf when grendel is defeated it is a glorious time for beowulf, but if beowulf did not believe in his purpose then it would not have been as meaningful to defeat grendel because he would not be fighting for the greater good.

The line between passion and obsession is thin when dealing with issues of purpose. I believe that when someone is passionate about their purpose they can strongly believe in things. When passion crosses the line into obsession is when one takes their purpose to an extreme level and there is question as to the ethics of acting upon their purpose. for example in Frankenstein, Victor is not conserned with the morality of his experiments and only focuses on what a great scientific achievement it would be to recreate life. There are negative repercussions to his experiment that he could not forsee, but victor believed in his purpose so strongly because to him the end result would have been well worth the risk.

chrisF said...

People in literature, and in real life, can be driven to help others. Beowulf is a great example. He saved the Danish people in their time of need. He may have done it to be remembered, but in the end, it helped everyone. Victor Frankenstein wanted to help others by being able to bring people(and frogs) to life. He wanted to help himself, but realized that it can also help others. Both of their purposes was to acheive something great in the end.

Victor Frankenstein had a purpose. He wanted to create life, he was obsessed in acheiving this goal. When he created the monster, the monster killed after learning from society. This was by accident. When Victor was in the process of creating the monster, he ignored his outside life. He prolonged his wedding date, and ignored his best friend. This was also by accident, but because he knew that he was doing this, you could also say that he was hurting them on purpose.