Monday, December 15, 2008

Reading Check on Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Lord of the Flies

Guiding Questions for Chapters 1, 2, 3

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell

“They knew very well why he hadn’t: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood.

‘I was going to,” said Jack. He was ahead of them and they could not see his face. “I was choosing a place. Next time--!”

He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into a tree trunk. Next time there would be no mercy.

1. What are is the narrator talking about here? (Hint: it relates to one of the motifs.)

Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain

“You got your small fire alright.”

2. What is Piggy talking about here? How is the event Piggy is talking about significant in terms of William Golding’s opinion that “man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature”? (Hint: this is related to the littlun with the mulberry-colored mark on his face.)

Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach

3. How does this chapter illustrate the conflict between Ralph and Jack’s priorities? (Hint: this is related to two different motifs.)

4. In chapter 3 Ralph asserts “This is our island. It’s a good island.” What motif is spoken about (but perhaps not literally present) in chapters two and three that undermines Ralph’s opinion?


5. Write about the significance of your character through the first three chapters of the book.

6. Write about the significance of your motif through the first three chapters of the book.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

chpt1: The narrator is hinting that in the furture the pigs wont be so fortunate and that jack will later develope harsh insticts,in which later leads to corruption.
chpt2::piggy is talking about how the boys have lack of respect for him and hates the fact that they wont listen to him, yet their more than happy to take his belongings without his approval. Since the fire ended up going out piggys sarcasim begin to kick in. As a result he instructs the boys to
act more proficiently in order to get off the island.
Chpt3:?Ralph is my character.
chpt4:I think the motif their speaking about is the beastie, after fearing about the beastie, ralph tries to boost the younger boys confidence
suggesting that their is no beastie and that it is their island and they are in charge, and nothing can stop them.

chpt5:The significance of my motif (Fire) is a big piece in all three chapters, its the boys main focus in order to be resuced
and each chapter mentions the fire, how to build it and keep it going.
chpt6:Ralph, from the very beginning comes off as a coordinated,charismaric protagonist
who later seeks leadership and adapts to the island in a way which motivates him as well as a few other boys, but as for the younger boys, they seem to be having more fun playing rather then worrying about surival. Ralph's main priority is being rescued and how to stay alive.
as the story continues the tables turn and raplh finds himself endangered by the other boys,who turned against him.