Monday, December 15, 2008

Reading Check on Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Lord of the Flies

Guiding Questions for Chapters 1, 2, 3

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell

“They knew very well why he hadn’t: because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh; because of the unbearable blood.

‘I was going to,” said Jack. He was ahead of them and they could not see his face. “I was choosing a place. Next time--!”

He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into a tree trunk. Next time there would be no mercy.

1. What are is the narrator talking about here? (Hint: it relates to one of the motifs.)

Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain

“You got your small fire alright.”

2. What is Piggy talking about here? How is the event Piggy is talking about significant in terms of William Golding’s opinion that “man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature”? (Hint: this is related to the littlun with the mulberry-colored mark on his face.)

Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach

3. How does this chapter illustrate the conflict between Ralph and Jack’s priorities? (Hint: this is related to two different motifs.)

4. In chapter 3 Ralph asserts “This is our island. It’s a good island.” What motif is spoken about (but perhaps not literally present) in chapters two and three that undermines Ralph’s opinion?


5. Write about the significance of your character through the first three chapters of the book.

6. Write about the significance of your motif through the first three chapters of the book.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Monster Book Comments #3 Due by midnight Wednesday 1/7
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 3a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme. Along the way convince me that you understand how the monster's situation has developed since "Comments #2" which were due before the holiday break.

*Label your response to this section 3b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. Write at least seven sentences.

*Label your response to this section 3c
Write another journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. Convince me that you understand the monster's situation and feelings about the situation. Use at least three details from the last section you have read. Mark the details (1), (2), (3). Write at least seven sentences.

Monster Book Comments #2 Due by midnight Wednesday 12/11
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 2a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme.

*Label your response to this section 2b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. (A paragraph.)

*Label your response to this section 2c
Write a journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. (A paragraph.)

Monster Book Comments #1 (300+ words) Due by midnight Wednesday (12/10)

Using the definitions of “monster,” “beast,” and/or “demon,” explore how the theme of monstrousness is developed over the first 100+ pages of the book you have been reading.

You might begin by showing how a character or entity fits a particular definition or set of definitions. But do not limit yourself to proving that so-and-so is a monster. Also, do not merely summarize all of the “monstrous” or “beastly” or “demonic” events in the book. That is plot summary. Instead, write an exploratory, explanatory, expository essay.

Show how the author explores ideas about monsters. Here are some possibilities:

  • physical monstrousness can be used as a (false?) projection of man(un)kind’s internal monstrousness,
  • external beauty (or success, or noble words, or other facades) can mask monstrosity,
  • humanity’s inner nature can be seen as naturally and unavoidably “beastly,”
  • our intellect (theory-making, pattern-making, meaning-making, civilization-building) can be seen as the source of monstrousness,
  • fictional monsters can be interpreted as projections of human fears (about scientific or other progress, about our own inner desires, about nature’s senselessness, about the fragility of our existence, etc.),
  • monsters can be used as a way of defining what is human (humane) and what is not-human (inhumane, beastly),
  • overcoming monsters (or monstrousness) can be used as a way of defining human heroism, nobility, and even goodness,
  • monsters (or monstrous behavior) can be used to explore the issue of nature (innate characteristics that humans are born with) versus nurture (learned behavior): is the monster born or made?,
  • monsters can be used as a way to explore the effects of isolation, rejection, exclusion, etc.,
  • monsters can be used as a way of exploring whether good and evil are absolute or whether they are only a matter of perception (Hamlet says, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so,”
  • and on and on and on…

Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

Monster Book Comments #3 Due by midnight Wednesday 1/7
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 3a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme. Along the way convince me that you understand how the monster's situation has developed since "Comments #2" which were due before the holiday break.

*Label your response to this section 3b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. Write at least seven sentences.

*Label your response to this section 3c
Write another journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. Convince me that you understand the monster's situation and feelings about the situation. Use at least three details from the last section you have read. Mark the details (1), (2), (3). Write at least seven sentences.

Monster Book Comments #2 Due by midnight Wednesday 12/11
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 2a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme.

*Label your response to this section 2b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. (A paragraph.)

*Label your response to this section 2c
Write a journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. (A paragraph.)

Monster Book Comments #1 (300+ words) Due by midnight Wednesday (12/10)

Using the definitions of “monster,” “beast,” and/or “demon,” explore how the theme of monstrousness is developed over the first 100+ pages of the book you have been reading.

You might begin by showing how a character or entity fits a particular definition or set of definitions. But do not limit yourself to proving that so-and-so is a monster. Also, do not merely summarize all of the “monstrous” or “beastly” or “demonic” events in the book. That is plot summary. Instead, write an exploratory, explanatory, expository essay.

Show how the author explores ideas about monsters. Here are some possibilities:

  • physical monstrousness can be used as a (false?) projection of man(un)kind’s internal monstrousness,
  • external beauty (or success, or noble words, or other facades) can mask monstrosity,
  • humanity’s inner nature can be seen as naturally and unavoidably “beastly,”
  • our intellect (theory-making, pattern-making, meaning-making, civilization-building) can be seen as the source of monstrousness,
  • fictional monsters can be interpreted as projections of human fears (about scientific or other progress, about our own inner desires, about nature’s senselessness, about the fragility of our existence, etc.),
  • monsters can be used as a way of defining what is human (humane) and what is not-human (inhumane, beastly),
  • overcoming monsters (or monstrousness) can be used as a way of defining human heroism, nobility, and even goodness,
  • monsters (or monstrous behavior) can be used to explore the issue of nature (innate characteristics that humans are born with) versus nurture (learned behavior): is the monster born or made?,
  • monsters can be used as a way to explore the effects of isolation, rejection, exclusion, etc.,
  • monsters can be used as a way of exploring whether good and evil are absolute or whether they are only a matter of perception (Hamlet says, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so,”
  • and on and on and on…

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

Monster Book Comments #3 Due by midnight Wednesday 1/7
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 3a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme. Along the way convince me that you understand how the monster's situation has developed since "Comments #2" which were due before the holiday break.

*Label your response to this section 3b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. Write at least seven sentences.

*Label your response to this section 3c
Write another journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. Convince me that you understand the monster's situation and feelings about the situation. Use at least three details from the last section you have read. Mark the details (1), (2), (3). Write at least seven sentences.

Monster Book Comments #2 Due by midnight Wednesday 12/11
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 2a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme.

*Label your response to this section 2b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. (A paragraph.)

*Label your response to this section 2c
Write a journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. (A paragraph.)

Monster Book Comments #1 (300+ words) Due by midnight Wednesday (12/10)

Using the definitions of “monster,” “beast,” and/or “demon,” explore how the theme of monstrousness is developed over the first 100+ pages of the book you have been reading.

You might begin by showing how a character or entity fits a particular definition or set of definitions. But do not limit yourself to proving that so-and-so is a monster. Also, do not merely summarize all of the “monstrous” or “beastly” or “demonic” events in the book. That is plot summary. Instead, write an exploratory, explanatory, expository essay.

Show how the author explores ideas about monsters. Here are some possibilities:

  • physical monstrousness can be used as a (false?) projection of man(un)kind’s internal monstrousness,
  • external beauty (or success, or noble words, or other facades) can mask monstrosity,
  • humanity’s inner nature can be seen as naturally and unavoidably “beastly,”
  • our intellect (theory-making, pattern-making, meaning-making, civilization-building) can be seen as the source of monstrousness,
  • fictional monsters can be interpreted as projections of human fears (about scientific or other progress, about our own inner desires, about nature’s senselessness, about the fragility of our existence, etc.),
  • monsters can be used as a way of defining what is human (humane) and what is not-human (inhumane, beastly),
  • overcoming monsters (or monstrousness) can be used as a way of defining human heroism, nobility, and even goodness,
  • monsters (or monstrous behavior) can be used to explore the issue of nature (innate characteristics that humans are born with) versus nurture (learned behavior): is the monster born or made?,
  • monsters can be used as a way to explore the effects of isolation, rejection, exclusion, etc.,
  • monsters can be used as a way of exploring whether good and evil are absolute or whether they are only a matter of perception (Hamlet says, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so,”
  • and on and on and on…

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

Monster Book Comments #3 Due by midnight Wednesday 1/7
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 3a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme. Along the way convince me that you understand how the monster's situation has developed since "Comments #2" which were due before the holiday break.

*Label your response to this section 3b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. Write at least seven sentences.

*Label your response to this section 3c
Write another journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. Convince me that you understand the monster's situation and feelings about the situation. Use at least three details from the last section you have read. Mark the details (1), (2), (3). Write at least seven sentences.

Monster Book Comments #2 Due by midnight Wednesday 12/11
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 2a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme.

*Label your response to this section 2b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. (A paragraph.)

*Label your response to this section 2c
Write a journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. (A paragraph.)

Monster Book Comments #1 (300+ words) Due by midnight Wednesday (12/10)

Using the definitions of “monster,” “beast,” and/or “demon,” explore how the theme of monstrousness is developed over the first 100+ pages of the book you have been reading.

You might begin by showing how a character or entity fits a particular definition or set of definitions. But do not limit yourself to proving that so-and-so is a monster. Also, do not merely summarize all of the “monstrous” or “beastly” or “demonic” events in the book. That is plot summary. Instead, write an exploratory, explanatory, expository essay.

Show how the author explores ideas about monsters. Here are some possibilities:

  • physical monstrousness can be used as a (false?) projection of man(un)kind’s internal monstrousness,
  • external beauty (or success, or noble words, or other facades) can mask monstrosity,
  • humanity’s inner nature can be seen as naturally and unavoidably “beastly,”
  • our intellect (theory-making, pattern-making, meaning-making, civilization-building) can be seen as the source of monstrousness,
  • fictional monsters can be interpreted as projections of human fears (about scientific or other progress, about our own inner desires, about nature’s senselessness, about the fragility of our existence, etc.),
  • monsters can be used as a way of defining what is human (humane) and what is not-human (inhumane, beastly),
  • overcoming monsters (or monstrousness) can be used as a way of defining human heroism, nobility, and even goodness,
  • monsters (or monstrous behavior) can be used to explore the issue of nature (innate characteristics that humans are born with) versus nurture (learned behavior): is the monster born or made?,
  • monsters can be used as a way to explore the effects of isolation, rejection, exclusion, etc.,
  • monsters can be used as a way of exploring whether good and evil are absolute or whether they are only a matter of perception (Hamlet says, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so,”
  • and on and on and on…

Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Freddy's Book by John Gardner, or a Book that You Proposed

Monster Book Comments #3 Due by midnight Wednesday 1/7
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 3a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme. Along the way convince me that you understand how the monster's situation has developed since "Comments #2" which were due before the holiday break.

*Label your response to this section 3b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. Write at least seven sentences.

*Label your response to this section 3c
Write another journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. Convince me that you understand the monster's situation and feelings about the situation. Use at least three details from the last section you have read. Mark the details (1), (2), (3). Write at least seven sentences.

Monster Book Comments #2 Due by midnight Wednesday 12/11
Three sections
* Label your response to this section 2a
Briefly explain any changes in the monsters, beast, or demon since your first comment. How are the changes in the monster, in the monster's experiences, or in the monster's situation significant? (A paragraph: 7+ sentences.) I'm not looking for plot summary; I'm looking for connections to and development of the monster theme.

*Label your response to this section 2b
Respond to someone else's comment about the book. If no one else is reading your book then compare your thoughts about your monster to someone else's thoughts about the monster in her or his book. (A paragraph.)

*Label your response to this section 2c
Write a journal entry as if you were the monster of the book. Write in the monster's voice about the monster's experiences and situation. (A paragraph.)

Monster Book Comments #1 (300+ words) Due by midnight Wednesday (12/10)

Using the definitions of “monster,” “beast,” and/or “demon,” explore how the theme of monstrousness is developed over the first 100+ pages of the book you have been reading.

You might begin by showing how a character or entity fits a particular definition or set of definitions. But do not limit yourself to proving that so-and-so is a monster. Also, do not merely summarize all of the “monstrous” or “beastly” or “demonic” events in the book. That is plot summary. Instead, write an exploratory, explanatory, expository essay.

Show how the author explores ideas about monsters. Here are some possibilities:

  • physical monstrousness can be used as a (false?) projection of man(un)kind’s internal monstrousness,
  • external beauty (or success, or noble words, or other facades) can mask monstrosity,
  • humanity’s inner nature can be seen as naturally and unavoidably “beastly,”
  • our intellect (theory-making, pattern-making, meaning-making, civilization-building) can be seen as the source of monstrousness,
  • fictional monsters can be interpreted as projections of human fears (about scientific or other progress, about our own inner desires, about nature’s senselessness, about the fragility of our existence, etc.),
  • monsters can be used as a way of defining what is human (humane) and what is not-human (inhumane, beastly),
  • overcoming monsters (or monstrousness) can be used as a way of defining human heroism, nobility, and even goodness,
  • monsters (or monstrous behavior) can be used to explore the issue of nature (innate characteristics that humans are born with) versus nurture (learned behavior): is the monster born or made?,
  • monsters can be used as a way to explore the effects of isolation, rejection, exclusion, etc.,
  • monsters can be used as a way of exploring whether good and evil are absolute or whether they are only a matter of perception (Hamlet says, “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so,”
  • and on and on and on…

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monster Books

Monstrous Humanity? Monstrous Culture? Monstrous Nature?

Choose a book from this list.

Read the book.

While you’re reading write down notes and questions, especially concerning the monsters and the themes related to monstrousness.

  • Who is the monster or who are the monsters in the book? How do you know? What makes the character a monster? Physical deformity or difference? Inhuman or inhumane behavior? Both? Something else?
  • What is the relationship between physical monstrousness and moral monstrousness in your book? (Some possibilities: Does physical monstrosity mask moral beauty? Does physical monstrosity lead to alienation which leads to monstrous moral choices? Etc.)
  • What seems to be the cause of the monstrous behavior in your book? (Is it in the monster’s nature as with the Grendel of Beowulf? Is it chosen by the monster as a response to radical alienation and rejection as with the Grendel of Grendel? Is it learned by the monster? Is it taught to the monster?
  • What seems to be the author’s purpose in portraying a literal monster (or monstrous behavior)? What is the author trying to show about human beings and the human condition?

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (1999) by David Foster Wallace (in GHS library)

Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker (in GHS library)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) by Robert Louis Stevenson (in GHS bookroom)

Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley (in GHS bookroom)

Freddy’s Book (1980) by John Gardner (in GHS library)

In Cold Blood (1965) by Truman Capote (in GHS library)

The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) by Oscar Wilde (in GHS bookroom)

Red Badge of Courage
(1895) by Stephen Crane (in GHS bookroom)

Things Fall Apart (1958) by Chinua Achebe (in GHS bookroom)

A book of your choice (send me an email by Wednesday 12/3) + Metamorphosis (1915) by Franz Kafka (in GHS bookroom)